A few months ago I was introduced to this website by a friend:
www.ploomy.com. I have to admit, it definitely contains very good reading material. It's a website for men and what they need to know. Ladies...they obviously need to know ALOT more, so hit up the site and lend a helping hand or article. But seriously, I consider it a cross between my favorite t.v. show
Friends and the male version of
Martha Stewart Living in blog mode. Very knowledgeable and entertaining for a gal like myself. Some articles are about the nothings that all men seem to stress about. I love it! It's specifically geared towards men readers, but f**k that. I'm nosy and I want to know, too!
Ever month or so, they nominate a female from around the country and publish an article about them being the featured Ploomy Girl. These girls are hand picked by the editor. After reading their articles, I began to wonder -
Am I "Ploomy" worthy?
It's fairly difficult to describe myself to others. I usually let them be the judge. But in reality, when other people judge me, most of the time the results are
misunderstood. The story of my life...(sigh)
Could I be "Ploomy" worthy if I'm a single mother of the Bay Area? Or maybe if I'm a loyal friend to all that know me? Or if I have a website that helps promote natural beauty? Or if I donate blood periodically? Or if I help charities and fundraisers? Am I pretty enough to be "Ploomy" worthy? Do I have the right personality? Can an 8-5 Accountant who sits at her desk all day long be "Ploomy" worthy? Who really knows.
Let me just list a bunch of random things you may NOT know about me. Maybe I will stand out from the crowd that way - yeah? Don't you think that would be an awesome and terrific idea? BRILLIANT, I say. BRILLIANT!
- I have physical deformations: my left ear is higher than my right ear and I have one boob that's slightly larger than the other.
- I practice imitating and doing reenactments of television commercials that should have casted me for cheap instead of that high paid idiotic person you see all the time.
- I'm a sigh-aholic *sigh*
- Not only do I dance when I'm driving in my truck - so do my fingers!
- I still don't know the order of the Alphabet
- I don't listen to a darn thing that you say to me when I'm in hungry status mode. Please repeat when I've inhaled a few gigantic bites or scoops of food. Thanks!
- My feet and cold foam pillow help me through sleepless nights.
- I never smoked a cigarette my entire life
- People watching is one of my favorite hobbies
- I still don't know how to apply make-up.
- Pink is NOT my favorite color. As a matter of fact, it NEVER will.
- Yes, I understand Tagalog DAMNIT!. So stop talking crap!
- My wet drool on pillows = a good night's sleep ;)
I don't like flowers. They remind me of funerals.
- You know how people have to have popcorn at the movies? Well, I have to have my sour patch kids.
- I've saved the best for last - I have a special super power: MALE X-RAY VISION! I have the ability to picture ALL (i seriously mean ALL) men within nothing on but their birthday suit. It can be a bit disturbing at times.
Dear Founder/Editor of Ploomy, (if you ever read this)
I just want to thank you for taking the time in getting to know me - YOU ROCK! If I ever become a Ploomy Girl, I would be oh so grateful. Do you know why? Throughout my 20's, I've always dreamed of being a Maxim Girl. But then I've come to the realization that those girls are the typical uniform cookie cutters of what a man dreams about being with. Now that I'm turning 30 this December, I NO LONGER want to be that girl. Once I became a reader and subscriber to Ploomy, I'm even more determined to NOT be that typical cookie cutter chick that superficial men desire. I want to be that imperfect positive trendsetter of realness and individuality that GENTLEmen need in this world. Being "you" is more valuable than being anyone else in this world! It's all about variety, baby! So, let's stop forming these one-dimensional clones in which today's society publicizes.
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