My original purpose of this blog was to keep track of all of my "Things To Do" before my life expires. You know... stuff to do before you kick the bucket. Well people - here's my Bucket List or shall I say "Tabo" List. You only live once, so don't think twice. In addition to my "Tabo" List, you'll find me sharing how it's like to live the life of the wonderful share-bare. Happy Reading! ENJOY!

(inspired by the 2007 movie, The Bucket List )

1.) Pet a Tiger Cub
2.) Hold and Wrap a Snake Around Me
3.) Raise Money for a Good Cause

4.) Run a Half Marathon
5.) Run a Full Marathon

6.) Attend an Oprah Winfrey Show

7.) Meet Drew Barrymore in Person

8.) Go Dog Sledding in the Colorado Mountains
9.) Get Rock Hard Abs

10.) Write My Own Book and/or Sitcom

11.) Be in a Professional Photo Shoot
12.) Compete in a Bus Surfing Contest
13.) Step Inside of Grand Central Station in New York
14.) Cross the Golden Gate Bridge by Foot
15.) Adopt a dog named him Chaw-Lee <--I mean, Bam

16.) Learn to Swim so I Can be a Surfer Chick

17.) Enjoy a Special Brownie

18.) Hale Down a Yellow Cab
19.) Lie in a Hammock with Someone Special
20.) Apply for a Library Card
21.) Get a Black Belt in Kenpo Karate
22.) Get Kissed by a Hottie on New Year's (Strike of Midnight)

23.) Learn to be a Voice Over Artist
24.) Attend a Superbowl Game
25.) Sing the Song 'Killing Me Softly' at a Karaoke Bar
26.) Go Skinny Dipping

27.) Be on T.V.

28.) Go White Water Rafting in the American River
29.) Run up the "Rocky Steps" of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
30.) Marry Mr. Right

31.) Work Out So Hard That I Puke
32.) Go Stand Up Paddle Surfing (or Hoe he'e nalu) somewhere tropical

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Puke Status

Today's work out was totally puke status.  Well....not really, but it felt like it!  I think all four of us felt like puking during our TFT workout this evening.   Gary, you worked us hard dude!  It's been only a week and a half into my training program with TFT and I have to admit, this work out has been the second to the best work out I've had by far.
Jumping Jacks
Walking Lunges
Jogging forward and backward
Caterpillar walks
Side Shuffles
Wall Stretches
  • 4 sets of each the following.  (1st set for 60 seconds, 2nd for 45 seconds, 3rd set for 30 seconds, 4th set for 15 seconds):
    • Bear Crawl
    • Reverse Lunges
    • Push Ups
    • Wall Squats
  • 3 sets of each the following:
    • Plank
    • Jumping Squats
  • 4 sets of the each following with resistant bands (20-30 speed reps)
    • Rear Deltoid Fly
    • Rows
    • Bicep Curls
  • 4 sets of 60 Ski Jumps (cardio)
I say that this evening's work out is the second to the best work out of all time.  It seemed more of higher difficulty than the past four work outs conducted by TFT.  I'm not sure if it was because I took two consecutive days off prior or if Gary was really pushing us hard today.  So, yeah, second to the best.  You know why it's my second to the best?  Because, I didn't puke.  I want to puke.  I figure if I ever were to puke during a work out then that would be the "bestest" work out I've ever had in my life.  I want to work my ass the hardest to infinity to see how far I can push myself and just puke.  Shall I put this on my "Tabo" List?  That, I shall!  I want to feel how it's like for the contestants of the first episodes of every season's The Biggest Loser feel.  I want to be able to watch it one evening and talk back to the television by saying, "I feel your pain!"  Is that horribly sickening?  Hmm, I'm beginning to wonder that my work out with TFT made me a bit delirious.  I don't think I'm in the right state of mind right now.  I may just regret wishing to puke come tomorrow morning.  By that time, it'll be too late.  "Black Jack no take back!!" 

1 comment:

  1. Great memory!! But I don't want you to puke! hahahaha If it happens, it happens, but puking is tough on the body, I don't wish that on just keep working hard and take #31 off your tabo list!!! LOL
