My original purpose of this blog was to keep track of all of my "Things To Do" before my life expires. You know... stuff to do before you kick the bucket. Well people - here's my Bucket List or shall I say "Tabo" List. You only live once, so don't think twice. In addition to my "Tabo" List, you'll find me sharing how it's like to live the life of the wonderful share-bare. Happy Reading! ENJOY!

(inspired by the 2007 movie, The Bucket List )

1.) Pet a Tiger Cub
2.) Hold and Wrap a Snake Around Me
3.) Raise Money for a Good Cause

4.) Run a Half Marathon
5.) Run a Full Marathon

6.) Attend an Oprah Winfrey Show

7.) Meet Drew Barrymore in Person

8.) Go Dog Sledding in the Colorado Mountains
9.) Get Rock Hard Abs

10.) Write My Own Book and/or Sitcom

11.) Be in a Professional Photo Shoot
12.) Compete in a Bus Surfing Contest
13.) Step Inside of Grand Central Station in New York
14.) Cross the Golden Gate Bridge by Foot
15.) Adopt a dog named him Chaw-Lee <--I mean, Bam

16.) Learn to Swim so I Can be a Surfer Chick

17.) Enjoy a Special Brownie

18.) Hale Down a Yellow Cab
19.) Lie in a Hammock with Someone Special
20.) Apply for a Library Card
21.) Get a Black Belt in Kenpo Karate
22.) Get Kissed by a Hottie on New Year's (Strike of Midnight)

23.) Learn to be a Voice Over Artist
24.) Attend a Superbowl Game
25.) Sing the Song 'Killing Me Softly' at a Karaoke Bar
26.) Go Skinny Dipping

27.) Be on T.V.

28.) Go White Water Rafting in the American River
29.) Run up the "Rocky Steps" of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
30.) Marry Mr. Right

31.) Work Out So Hard That I Puke
32.) Go Stand Up Paddle Surfing (or Hoe he'e nalu) somewhere tropical

Monday, February 15, 2010

1st Workout with The Fitness Tech (TFT)

You know how I always like to plan ahead of time?  You know how usually 75% of the time, it fails?  Well let's just say preparing for my first personal training session with The Fitness Tech, aka Gary Tanaka fell in that percentile of failure.

So yesterday, I thought it would be cool to do a challenging workout to build up a little stamina for my session with Gary this evening.  I met up with Nate, Rho, Sulie, Susy to kick-off our SF Half Marathon training at a local high school track.  We warmed up with a bunch of jumping jacks, push-ups, and crunches.  After the warm-up, we did sort of a combo of running laps and a bit of circuit training.  8 laps total.  Between each lap, we did a variety of exercises such as mountain climbers, burpies, resistant band work, lunges, etc.  It was more of a free choice workout.  We also inserted running up and down the bleachers as "optional".  I decided to do it during lap 7 and lap 8.  

For the record, I haven't done this much work since like.....last SUMMER!!  Yup - that's so 2009!  Or as Fergie would say, "You so 2000 and late!"  So, I wake up this morning thinking I overslept.  Not!  As I rolled over to check my clock, I felt the pain.  Not necessarily pain, more so muscle soreness.  From my calves, to my quads, to my abdominal, to my chest, to my shoulder, to my back.  Oh!  And it was only 3:15am!  Soreness was so intense that it woke me up.  Crazy, right?  I think my body is mad at me.

So fast forwarding to like several hours later.  I was nervous.  Working out the day before was such a bad idea.  6:00pm was my training session.  I finally meet Gary after all these year.  Haha!  I'm a dork.  He was great!  Let me refresh my my memory so I can try to summarize my workout:
Jumping Jacks
Walking Lunges
Jogging forward and backward
Caterpillar walks
Side Shuffles
Wall Stretches (I forget what they were called...sorry Gary!)
Side Swing Kicks
Front/Back Swing Kicks

UNSeated Row Pulls (Note to self:  Gary doesn't like to sit ...*sad face*)
Mountain Climbers
Side Lunges
Bench Presses
Plank (hated that)
Reverse Flies (hated that, too!)
Hammer Curls with Squat
Speed Squats
Backward Lunges
Some type of Jumping movement (I forgot what he called it)
Jumping Squats
That's a lot right?  It was definitely not easy, which was what I totally expected (otherwise, my dumb ass wouldn't have prepared for a workout by working out. Ugh!) so I'm not surprised!  The workout's intensity was later appreciated when he said I was done. Aaaah!  Water never tasted so good, I tell you.  Whoo hoo!  I made it.  I survived.  Thank the Lord!  I had fun believe it or not.

Next training - Wednesday.....I'm nervous again.

I've decided to post a "Before" pic (coming soon) because I'm pretty optimistic that Gary will help me accomplish my goal.  Yay!  I get to cross out a "Tabo List" item this year!  

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