My original purpose of this blog was to keep track of all of my "Things To Do" before my life expires. You know... stuff to do before you kick the bucket. Well people - here's my Bucket List or shall I say "Tabo" List. You only live once, so don't think twice. In addition to my "Tabo" List, you'll find me sharing how it's like to live the life of the wonderful share-bare. Happy Reading! ENJOY!

(inspired by the 2007 movie, The Bucket List )

1.) Pet a Tiger Cub
2.) Hold and Wrap a Snake Around Me
3.) Raise Money for a Good Cause

4.) Run a Half Marathon
5.) Run a Full Marathon

6.) Attend an Oprah Winfrey Show

7.) Meet Drew Barrymore in Person

8.) Go Dog Sledding in the Colorado Mountains
9.) Get Rock Hard Abs

10.) Write My Own Book and/or Sitcom

11.) Be in a Professional Photo Shoot
12.) Compete in a Bus Surfing Contest
13.) Step Inside of Grand Central Station in New York
14.) Cross the Golden Gate Bridge by Foot
15.) Adopt a dog named him Chaw-Lee <--I mean, Bam

16.) Learn to Swim so I Can be a Surfer Chick

17.) Enjoy a Special Brownie

18.) Hale Down a Yellow Cab
19.) Lie in a Hammock with Someone Special
20.) Apply for a Library Card
21.) Get a Black Belt in Kenpo Karate
22.) Get Kissed by a Hottie on New Year's (Strike of Midnight)

23.) Learn to be a Voice Over Artist
24.) Attend a Superbowl Game
25.) Sing the Song 'Killing Me Softly' at a Karaoke Bar
26.) Go Skinny Dipping

27.) Be on T.V.

28.) Go White Water Rafting in the American River
29.) Run up the "Rocky Steps" of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
30.) Marry Mr. Right

31.) Work Out So Hard That I Puke
32.) Go Stand Up Paddle Surfing (or Hoe he'e nalu) somewhere tropical

Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy New Decade

The year is now 2010.  Crazy, right?  My how time flies.  I can't believe we're already in the month of February.

It seemed like it was just yesterday, I was dealing with the terrible two’s as a single mother. What did I learn? I learned that being a new mother is the greatest gift of all. At the end of the day, you realize that beneath it all lays the most precious little angel. The best part of it is – I helped create it!
‘…Without you in my life would be filled rain…You brighten up my days, I’ll love you always…’ - Coko: Sunshine

It seemed like it was just yesterday, that I was coping with a huge loss of someone very important to me – my father. What did I learn? I learned that even in times of grief, there will always be happiness. Happy memories shared between one another is something oh so powerful. It’s incredible how our minds are programmed to back track and remember certain moments of our life. Slowly but surely, I learned to accept my loss. The most important tool of the healing process is to never ever ever forget.

It seemed like it was just yesterday, that I was living life like a freakin’ rock star. What did I learn? Temporary needs do not cure the wants especially when it’s a merely acting as a filler for the empty space in my life. Once the moment is gone, I am back to where I started. I can definitely continue to play foolishly with boys. The fact of the matter of it all is that it forfeits my true goal of finding a man better known as someone I would want to grow old with. I learned that want vs. need makes all the difference in the world.
A want is something you would like to have. It is not absolutely necessary, but it would be a good thing to have. A need is something you have to have, something you can’t do without.
It seemed like it was just yesterday, that I’ve purchased a condominium with whom I thought was to be my soul mate but later find out it was just simply a short dream lived. What did I learn? I’ve learned that ignoring problems lead to more complications down the road. I will never assume that material things will make it all the problems disappear. It is especially a huge mistake to buy a house that was never intended of becoming a home.

It seemed like it was just yesterday, that I was sleeping alone in my bed due to a shattered and broken heart. What did I learn? I learned that -
‘Rather than hold on to a broken dream, I’ll just to hold on to love’ – Alicia Keys: Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart
After all the lessons learned during the past decade, I am darn grateful that I’ve been able to overcome all my previous challenges. I’m pretty much ready for what this new decade has to offer. I’m entering it with an open heart, an open mind, and a positive outlook. That’s pretty much all I need in order to conquer it all. Bring it on!

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